Once in possession of your order. Bring your smartphone, make sure you have an internet connection and a working QR code reader installed on your smartphone (many smartphones have it integrated directly into the photo app)
scan the qrcode of the first accessory, follow the looztick.fr link by clicking on it.
A video is displayed and you then access a quick form.
Fill it out carefully, validate, check and validate again.
And There you go! Your first accessory is validated.
Repeat the operation for each accessory.
When your benefactor finds an item, he or she can be put in contact with you using our web application.
But beware! As your data is sensitive, we do not share it!
Imagine if someone found your keys and could also have your contact details?
You will receive a found object alert by email and SMS from our server which acts as a filter.
This message will contain a link to follow to join a private discussion area where you can exchange freely.
The data you provide during the activation procedure is necessary to organize the connection.
They are stored in a database on a French server (OVH) and we do not share them with anyone.
Do not panic !
You have not identified your business with our solution, so it will be more complicated to vote for a benefactor but don't lose hope, here are some tips:
- Call the lost and found office often at the town hall or the municipal police, just don't rush too much, it sometimes takes several days before it is deposited there.
- Regularly browse support groups on social networks, they are full of announcements of found objects.
- It seems obvious but do your route in reverse, with a little luck you will find it yourself or your benefactor may notice you while looking.
- Little tip regarding your keys: Make duplicates of your most important keys and place them in a safe place outside your home. You will be very happy to find them when the time comes.
- The best tip is to equip yourself! You will greatly simplify the task of your benefactor and you will not have to worry for too long, the connection is quick once the qrcode is scanned.
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