Associate your brand with our secure connection solution for lost items.
Each item found becomes a victory for your business.
It is thanks to you that an item is returned to its owner.
Generate Gratitude:
Imagine the gratitude of your customers when they find a lost item. Create a powerful emotional connection. This memorable experience ensures that your business will stick in their minds, prompting them to recommend you.
French Brand, Local Solution:
Choose to support a solution 100% made in France since 2019 which is based on values of solidarity and empathy.
Kindness activator:
By associating your brand with our original solution, you become a benevolent actor promoting the reuse instead of the replacement of everyday objects.
Fill out the form at the bottom of the page to receive a demo and our pricing by email and find out how your brand can be the solution.
33 rue Sainte Geneviève 50400 GRANVILLE SIRET : 947 827 226 00012 TVA : FR 22 947827226 Contact |
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